In 2013, Lauren started with a vision to create connectivity within and between individuals, couples, families and communities.

This is achieved by providing services that attend to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of individuals, couples, families, and communities.  At times one area might need more love and focus than others, and the purpose is to find meaning and fulfillment in life through pursuing balance in the various aspects of our being.

The logo is designed to be a visual representation of this vision:

Quadrants & Circle: These are an interpretation of the Native American symbol of the medicine wheel.  Each quadrant represents the directions (east, south, west, and north) along with the seasons of nature and our life cycle, and aspects of our being that align with each direction, such as the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. The circle enclosing it all represents oneness and the circularity of life. 

Mandala: (woven The mandala (petal design) is a representation of the nonlinear nature of life and the path of healing. 

Central Light:  The light in the center of the four quadrants is a representation of our core being and inner light, which we seek explore, cherish, and illuminate for you, your loved ones, and the world to experience.
